Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Yes I smoke. I quit in January of last year for good (so I thought). Then last year about this time, I had an exacerbation and took IV steroids. Turned out that the steroids caused more harm than anything. I lost my appetite (that actually wasn't all that bad), bone marrow stopped producing blood cells, and more health problems. It was a horrible experience, especially since I did the IV's at home and went to work just the same as always (bit of a work-a-holic). The steroids, basically, drove me back to the cigarettes.

So, I decided that it was time to try again and use Chantix (like I did last year). That stuff really works. By day 2, the nicotine was no longer being absorbed into my system!! Kinda sucks because I want a cigarette, but if I go and have one, it does nothing but make me stink. No nicotine.

I figure I will no longer be smoking by the end of this weekend. I still am in the habit of smoking, so that will take a few days.